Research indicates the vital importance parental support plays in the success of schools. At John Burroughs Elementary School, the administration, faculty and staff believe that parental involvement is an essential factor in the educational success of our scholars. As a proud part of Tulsa Public Schools, we shall promote parental involvement in our school as mandated by Title I, Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). We pledge to work as equal partners with parent in providing quality learning experiences in a high-quality environment.
A. Title I
Annually, John Burroughs Elementary will meet with parents during our Title I Parent Night to explain the Title I Policy/program, Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), and Annual Yearly Progress (AYP). During this meeting, we discuss Reading Sufficiency Act (RSA) Achieving Classroom Excellence (ACE) Legislation and our core values. Parents are advised as to their rights under Title I and given the opportunity to ask questions.
B. Parental Involvement
John Burroughs actively involves parents by providing a Tuesday “Home and Back” folder with weekly updates as well as a monthly school-wide newsletter. Teachers and Administrators communicate with parents on a regular basis through TalkingPoints, telephone calls and face to face conversations. We obtain input through surveys, parent forums, and the Parent/Community Advisory Council (PCAC) as well as our Parent Teacher Association.
C. Accountability
Burroughs shall provide a variety of measures to ensure a partnership with teachers and parents to be committed to creating a collaborative, structured environment that meets and exceeds the needs of the whole child. Parents, students and teachers will sign an “Accountability Agreement” during the fall of each year that outlines the responsibilities each hold in the education of the student. Parents are provided with multiple resources to support the academic needs of their child and are encouraged to take their child to the library, help them with homework and monitor their monthly reading logs/goals. Parents and students will receive notification of the District Behavior Response Plan, Dress Code, and Attendance Policies at the beginning of the school year. Progress Reports, Phone calls, DOJO Dashboard, Parent-Teacher Conferences and Report Cards will also be provided to parents to help monitor their child’s progress.
D. Communication
Burroughs communicates by advising parents of all school activities and events both school-wide and in the classroom through newsletters, flyers, School Connects (telephone messaging system), TalkingPoints, personal one on one contact, parent communication board, Back to School and Meet the Teacher events as well as parent/teacher conferences and monthly parent events. All student work will be sent home by way of Tuesday “Home and Back Folders.” Information will be provided in a language that parents can understand. Monthly POSITIVE parental contact, grade-level parent meetings and parent/literacy nights will also be used as a means of communication.
E. Education
Burroughs will maintain a Parent Resource Center to help provide parents with tools to help increase student achievement. Our Parent Resource Center will have available parenting books, and community resources to provide parents with various types of information. Our Parent Facilitator and Counselor will work with Parents on a regular basis to connect them with needed resources.
F. Other Requested Activities
Burroughs will proactively develop appropriate roles for community organizations and businesses in parental involvement activities. John 3:16 Mission, ONEOK as well as Boston Avenue United Methodist church actively supports Burroughs students, parents and staff as a valuable community resource.
G. Teamwork and Participation (Volunteering)
Research has shown when parents are actively engaged in their child’s education, students are more likely to succeed in learning. To ensure 90% Parental Involvement, as partners we need parental support by volunteering at least (10) hours at the school. Burroughs invites and welcomes parents and families to complete a volunteer background check (available in the office) in order to volunteer at the school. With dedication coupled with ongoing support from parents, teachers, staff, students and the community, success is inevitable.
This policy is in accordance with Public Law 107 – 110, Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) – Title 1 Parental Involvement
Reviewed/revised September 2024